What is Mushroom Matcha and Why Should I Drink It? - HONE
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What is Mushroom Matcha and Why Should I Drink It?

  • 17 min read

What is Mushroom Matcha and Why Should I Drink It? - HONE

If you're looking to increase your energy, strength, immunity, and focus,our mushroom matcha tea blend is a game-changer. 

Mushroom Matcha - 30 Serving Jar

This unique mushroom matcha blend combines two powerful adaptogens 

to biohack your mornings with more energy, productivity, and immune protection. 

Article jumplinks:

What is mushroom matcha?

What are the benefits of Cordyceps militaris?

What are the benefits of matcha?

The health benefits of mushroom matcha

Why should I drink Hone’s mushroom matcha?

How to prepare the best mushroom matcha

Our premium matcha provides steady caffeine forsustained energy and concentration. 

Meanwhile, cordyceps mushrooms boost the immune system and deliver potent anti-inflammatory benefits. Together, they create a synergy that takes your health to the next level.

Read on to learn more about this superpowered blend and why you should incorporate it into your routine for improved wellbeing starting today.

What Is Mushroom Matcha?

Mushroom matcha combines the health benefits ofmatcha green tea with cordyceps mushrooms. This functional beverage offers a powerhouse combo of antioxidants, energizing compounds, and immune-enhancing effects for full mind-body nourishment.

The synergy of these two superfood ingredients provides an earthy, savory flavor profile that makes for an intriguing alternative to coffee or plain green tea. 

Our matchamushroom blend comes in two sizes: a 10-serving matcha mushroom powder, ideal for mixing into your morning tea or coffee, and this 30-serving jar of cordyceps goodness for a longer-lasting supply. Whichever you choose, you’ll be adding a superfood boost to your daily routine.

Let’s talk more about its two main ingredients,matcha green tea andcordyceps mushrooms

Why You Should Take Cordyceps Mushrooms Every Day

Cordyceps militaris is a type of fungus in the genus Cordyceps, which has more than 600 species. It has been prized in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries because of its extraordinary health benefits. 

Cordyceps is part of a grouping known as “functional mushrooms,” which are said to maintain homeostasis and improve health.Thanks to its rich nutritional profile, Cordyceps militaris is a potent adaptogen and anoverall health booster—from increasing energy production and supporting cardiovascular health to fighting diabetes and regulating immune function.

Benefits of Cordyceps Mushrooms

Cordyceps has demonstrated anticancer properties across multiple cancer types. Evidence shows thatcordyceps mushrooms fight cancer by boosting immunity, inhibiting tumor growth, and even causing cancer cell death. A 2015 study showed that a cordyceps extract “significantly increased early apoptosis [self-destruction]” in cancer cells. 

But that’s not all these exceptional medicinal mushrooms can do. Here’s a summary of the pharmacological and therapeutic benefits ofcordyceps mushrooms:

  • Anti-bacterial 
  • Anti-diabetic
  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-tumor
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Apoptotic 
  • Hypoglycemic
  • Neuroprotective
  • Immunomodulatory

Main constituent of the extract derived from this fungus comprises a novel bio-metabolite called as Cordycepin (3′deoxyadenosine) which has a very potent anti-cancer, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activities… the broad spectrum potential of Cordycepin including biological and pharmacological actions in immunological, hepatic, renal, cardiovascular systems as well as an anti-cancer agent. (Tuli, et. al.)

Tuli, et. al. also found that cordyceps is highly nutritional, making theseorganic mushroomsan effective superfood for enhancing vitality.

In Cordyceps, there occurs a wide range of nutritionally important components including various types of essential amino acids, vitamins like B1, B2, B12 and K, different kinds of carbohydrates such as monosaccharide, oligosaccharides and various medicinally important polysaccharides, proteins, sterols, nucleosides, and other trace elements.

That’s exactly why you should add cordyceps to your diet every day. 

Is It Safe to Take Cordyceps Every Day?

Moderate consumption of cordyceps mushrooms is perfectly safe and even recommended, as this badass fungus harbors an arsenal of nutrients ready to boost your mojo.

If you’re allergic to yeast, mold, or other types of fungi, the chances are you’ll have allergic reactions to cordyceps, too. An excessive amount of cordyceps may lead to some unwanted effects, like nausea, diarrhea, or an upset stomach. But stick to the recommended daily dosage, and you should avoid any side effects. 

Consume no more than 3 grams of cordyceps powder, especially if it’s your first time. That’s about one teaspoon or one of our compostable packets (3.5 g). You can always increase the dosage later as your body adapts to thebenefits of mushroom matcha powder. 

We like to spice up our morning tea or coffee with our cordycepsmatcha green tea powder since consuming cordyceps in the morning fuels your cells and provides an extra kick of energy-boosting nutrients. 

The Goodness of Premium Matcha

Matcha is a type of green tea that is made from finely ground, shade-grown leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. Also known as jade leaf tea orJapanese matcha, this vibrant green tea has a unique, earthy flavor and an exceptionally high nutritional profile. 

Growing matcha in the shade enhances its flavor and increases the concentration of catechins, polyphenols, amino acids, and other nutrients that provide antioxidant protection, immune support, and a natural boost in energy levels andcognitive function.

Polyphenols and catechins belong to the largest group of antioxidants and have extraordinary immunological, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, and cardioprotective properties. Read all about this remarkable group of antioxidants found inmatcha tea.

Aside from the abundance of antioxidants,matcha contains two bioactive compounds that work synergistically to increase your energy in a natural, jittery-free way. We are talking about L-theanine and caffeine, of course. This combo is actually one of the best things about matcha. Here’s why.

The Synergy Between L-Theanine and Caffeine

L-theanine is an amino acid that supports our alpha brain waves, resulting in a calm yet focused state. On its own, L-theanine can induce relaxation

Caffeine is a widely popular stimulant that provides an energizing lift. Matcha contains loads of caffeine. You may think this is a bad thing and that matcha can cause anxiety or caffeine-induced crashes (which it can if you consume ridiculously high amounts of matcha). 

But this is where the magic of matcha kicks in:the L-theanine evens out the effects of caffeine, mitigating its jitteriness for a smoother, moresustained energy boost. Thanks to this synergistic pairing, matcha provides a natural and steady energy lift without the anxiety you may experience from other caffeinated drinks.

Just one cup of our irresistible matchamushroom powder can keep you running smoothly, enhancing energy, concentration, and mental clarity.

Should I Drink Matcha Every Day?

Since it has no long-term negative side effects, matcha is a perfect daily supplement. Due to its high caffeine concentration, drinking too much matcha can cause a headache or insomnia, but these effects typically fade after the caffeine wears off. Just make sure you pace yourself and don’t overdo it. 

To get all of the benefits of green tea, 1–2 cups per day are best, with a typical serving of matcha being between 2 and 4 grams. This amount can yield anywhere from one to even four cups of tea, depending on how strong you like it. 

Because it shares similar energy-increasing benefits with cordyceps, matcha is best consumed earlier in the day—early in the morning or afternoon—when it will give you the most energy. Drinking matcha too close to bedtime can disrupt sleep, but a cup ofmatcha tea in the morning can invigorate your day and provideenergy and focus to last you until nightfall. 

Get our 10-pack of cordyceps matcha and start enjoying the benefits today!

Mushroom Matcha Box - 10 Compostable Packets

Health Benefits of Mushroom Matcha

The one-two punch of our matchamushroom tea makes it an all-around nutritional powerhouse. Matcha provides metabolism-boosting EGCG antioxidants and amino acids like L-theanine for focus andstress relief. Meanwhile, Cordyceps militaris delivers energizing ATP to providesustained energy. Cordyceps is also packed withanti-inflammatory properties that defend against disease and cellular aging. 

Here is a list of potential health benefits and reasons why Hone's mushroom matcha is an excellent choice:

Sustained Energy and Focus

Matcha provides a steady supply of caffeine to increase alertness without making you crash later on. This typically occurs when you drink a lot of caffeinated beverages but not matcha. This little amino acid called L-theanine works synergistically with caffeine to induce a state of calm focus and concentration. 

Cordyceps mushrooms are also great at boosting energy. Apparently, cordyceps has the ability to replenish energy by aiding adenosine triphosphate (ATP) generation. This so-called “energy molecule” is an essential energy-synthesizing chemical that improves cellular function by releasing energy and acting as its main source and storage. 

The administration of [Cordyceps militaris ethyl extract] slightly increased grip strength… C. militaris has the possibility of improving exercise performance, which could be associated with the increase in ATP production. (Choi, et. al.)

Combine matcha and cordyceps and you get a delicious energy source that provides longer-lasting and more stable energy than coffee or other caffeinated drinks. 

Immune Support

Both matcha and cordyceps contain an abundance of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds to support immune defense. Matcha has high levels of polyphenols like epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, which combat freeradical damage. Free radicals are harmful molecules that can wreak havoc in our bodies if there aren’t enough antioxidants to balance them. This leads to oxidative stress, and oxidative stress is an underlying cause of many diseases. 

Matcha’s EGCG and cordyceps’ polysaccharides and beta-glucans seem to activate immune cells by binding directly to their receptors. This way, they fight infections and viruses and improve our immune function, thus protecting against the damaging effects of oxidative stress.

The results suggest that the immune system functions well with [Cordyceps mycelium culture extract] supplementation, perhaps with less accompanying inflammation. Thus, [Cordyceps mycelium culture extract] is safe and effective for enhancing cell-mediated immunity in healthy adults. (Jung, et. al.)

If you consume cordycepsmushrooms and matcha daily, your body will be armed with antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and immune-boosting polysaccharides, so you have a reinforced defense against germs, viruses, and environmental stressors trying to make you sick.

Stress Relief

Both ingredients in our mushroom matcha blend fight stress through different mechanisms. L-theanine in matcha prompts alpha brain waves linked to a relaxed yet focused mindset. Matcha's amino acid profile enhances mood while lowering cortisol levels. Lowering cortisol, the stress hormone, is kind of important for reducing anxiety, and matcha’s L-theanine does it beautifully. 

A 2020 review article found that the anti-stress effect of matcha in mouse models comes from its rich chemical composition, which includes EGCG and amino acids like L-theanine and arginine.

In a mouse model of psychosocial stress, it was found that green tea had an anti-stress effect, which was due to the synergistic effect of L-theanine, epigallocatechin, and arginine, thus eliminating the antagonistic effect of caffeine and epigallocatechin gallate on psychological stress-induced adrenal hypertrophy. 

It also helps that matcha is an adaptogen, a natural stress-relieving organic compound, just like cordyceps. As such, cordyceps helps your body cope with physical and mental stressors. Its two main compounds, adenosine and cordycepin, show extraordinary anxiolytic effects. 

Adenosine has sedative properties that can alleviate symptoms of anxiety. It attaches to brain receptors that control sleep and mood, providing relaxation and soothing effects. Cordycepin elevates dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain. 

These two neurotransmitters—the so-called “feel-good” hormones—regulate mood, stimulate and reinforce pleasant experiences, and influence cognition and focus. By increasing their levels, cordycepin can alleviate symptoms of depression and many other disorders.

Together, matcha and cordyceps create a feeling of calm energy and resilience. Our blend promotes an overall sense of tranquility and well-being while combating the effects of anxiety or burnout.

Try a jar of our exceptional cordyceps and matcha blend and feel the stress leave your body. 

Anticancer Properties

The phytonutrients in matcha and cordyceps deliver antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions that make them both promising cancer-fighting agents

Matcha’s catechins, like EGCG, can prevent DNA damage that can trigger cancer growth. Matcha's antioxidants also induce cancer cell death (apoptosis) and inhibit the proliferation (growth and spread) of cancer cells. 

2018 study found that matcha may help reduce the chance of breast cancer by preventing proliferation and oxidative mitochondrial metabolism (OMM) in cancer cells. 

Oxidative mitochondrial metabolism is the process by which cells turn nutrients, like glucose, into energy through a set of chemical reactions that occur inside the mitochondria. While OMM is important for cells to work properly, this process can make cancer worse by helping cancer cells spread. By retarding OMM in cancer cells only, matcha seems to slow the spread of cancer.

Find out more about matcha's anticancer activity right here.

Meanwhile, cordyceps contains cordycepin, adenosine, polysaccharides, and other compounds that studies indicate can slow tumor progression and metastasisResearch on leukemia and melanoma shows that, by causing apoptosis (cancer cell death), cordyceps mushrooms seem to inhibit cancer growth. 

…the anti-proliferative effects of [aqueous extract of C. militaris] were associated with the induction of apoptotic cell death through regulation of several major growth regulatory gene products such as Bcl-2 family expression and caspase protease activity, and [aqueous extract of C. militaris] may have therapeutic potential in human leukemia treatment. 

The Cordyceps militaris extract exhibited anti-cancer effects by stopping leukemia cell growth and inducing programmed cell death pathways, leading the study to conclude the extract may have potential as a natural supplemental treatment for leukemia. Cordyceps also seems to hinder tumor growth and slow the spread of breast cancer, prostate cancer, and other types of carcinoma.

Protecting the Heart

For heart health, there doesn’t seem to be a better duo than cordyceps mushrooms and matcha

Matcha’s EGCG stimulates nitric oxide production, which relaxes blood vessels, prevents clotting, and lowers blood pressure. These effects are more than necessary for keeping your heart healthy and strong. Matcha’s anti-inflammatory benefits improve blood circulation and protect the arteries from oxidative stress.

Interestingly, cordyceps shows similar cardiovascular benefits. Remember adenosine from Cordyceps militaris? This chemical has a vasodilatory effect: it helps relax and widen blood vessels, boost circulation, and lower blood pressure. According to a 2022 study, these functional mushrooms could also “increase the blood flow of the heart and brain, improve microcirculation, and stabilize blood pressure.”

…Cordyceps has a certain positive effect on the treatment of arrhythmia and that its main mechanism may be through the regulation of adrenergic signaling in cardiomyocytes and the PI3K-Akt signaling pathway. 

Together, cordyceps and matcha’s positive effects on the heart boost cardiovascular function and blood flow, reducing the risk of stroke, heart attack, and related conditions. The symbiotic actions keep your cardiovascular system in top shape.

Supporting the Brain

Listen up, brainiacs: our mushroom matcha is here to keep your mental performance cranked to the max. Here’s how:

  • L-theanine from matcha is a brain booster and a nootropic (natural chemical that improvescognitive function). It influences alpha brain waves in such a way that it induces a state of mental awakeness and focus. 
  • Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, improving alertness, attention, and focus.
  • EGCG, also found in matcha, protects neurons by clearing out harmful inflammation that can damage brain cells over time.
  • Cordyceps increases the oxygen flow to the brain. All your busy brain cells need oxygen to thrive. Cordyceps also provides bioactive compounds that shield neurons from damage and deterioration. 
  • Cordyceps mushrooms may improve learning and memory by eliminating free radicals, reducing oxidative damage, and protecting the nervous system.

A 2014 Japanese study examined the effects of green tea on nursing home residents. The study found that drinking only 2mg of matcha every day can slow the course of cognitive dysfunction and improve cognitive performance.

Meanwhile, a 2018 study found that “C. militaris may be a potential candidate for the neuroprotection of hippocampus and the recovery of various vascular dementia or neuroinflammatory disorders.”

The result? A matcha-mushroom cocktail that defends your cranium against environmental stressors trying to dim your thinking. With consistent sipping of our brain-boosting cordyceps tea with matcha, you'll fend off mental fuzziness and age-related decline.

Mushroom Matcha Box - 10 Compostable Packets

Why Hone’s Mushroom Matcha Is the Best

At Hone, we have created a standout matcha mushroom tea that users everywhere rave about. If you’re still wondering what makes our blend so beloved, multiple reviewers mention the smooth, great taste—not too bitter or sweet—clean, sustained energy that doesn’t cause jitters like coffee, and a whole lot of feel-good vibes. 

Our matcha is sourced from a renowned family-owned farm in Japan. Their ceremonial grade matcha undergoes careful cultivation and processing to render a smooth, nutrient-dense matcha powder bursting with antioxidants, amino acids, chlorophyll, and other whole-leaf compounds. This high standard of quality matcha forms the foundation of our cordyceps matcha tea. 

When it comes to cordyceps, the organic mushroom extracts take Hone's blend to the next level. We scoured the globe to find the best possible source for these mushrooms—and we found it on an organic farm in China's Zhejiang province, known for ideal growing conditions. The farm's patented process maximizes bioactive compounds like beta-glucans and cordycepin while eliminating toxins. 

By uniting the highest gradeJapanese matcha with premium Chinese cordyceps, Hone’s mushroom matcha delivers maximum synergistic benefits. You simply won't find a more meticulously sourced mushroom matcha product. 

When you want the best, you need look no further than our matcha tea with cordyceps.

How to Prepare Mushroom Matcha Tea

Cordyceps and matcha can be taken in various forms: capsules, extracts, and powders. For an optimal mushroom matcha experience, we recommend sipping on our signature cordyceps tea blended with premium matcha. This flavorful fusion allows you to tap into the benefits of cordyceps and matcha, just as traditional herbalists have done for centuries.

Making this beverage takes only a few seconds to get ready and enjoy. You can use our tea frother to make things even easier. 

  • Start by adding half or a whole teaspoon of our tea blend to a cup. 
  • Heat 8 ounces of hot water and pour a tiny bit over the powder. Whisk vigorously with a whisk or an electric mixer until it foams. 
  • Gradually add the remaining water to the powder. Adjust the amount of water and mushroom matcha powder to taste over time.
  • You can add any type of milk you like—honey, cinnamon, or vanilla—for extra flavor. Mushroom matcha lattes are all the rage right now.

Mushroom matcha can be enjoyed hot or chilled over ice. It makes a great base for smoothies, too. Drink your mushroom matcha immediately after preparing it for freshness and the best nutritional content.

However you choose to work cordyceps and matcha into your routine, our goal is to make mushrooms an easy, enjoyable part of your day. We take pride in offering a premium, consistent product that infuses self-care into every cup. 

Here's to taking a mindful break that leaves you buzzing with health. Care for a jar of the best matchamushroom supplement out there? We do too. 

Mushroom Matcha - 30 Serving Jar

Mushroom Matcha FAQ

What are the benefits of mushroom matcha?

Mushroom matcha combines the health benefits of matcha green tea with the potential advantages ofsuperfood mushrooms called cordyceps, creating a unique and nutritious beverage. 

Here are some extraordinary matchamushroom benefits:

  1. Boost your immunity. Medicinal mushrooms such as cordyceps and matcha are known for their immune-boosting properties. They both contain compounds that support the immune system, helping your body defend against illnesses.
  2. Improvedigestive health. Cordyceps and matcha have been linked to improveddigestive health. They can support gut health by promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and potentially alleviating digestive discomfort.
  3. Reduce inflammation. Matchareduces inflammation, and cordycepsreduces inflammation. The result? A powerful anti-inflammatory combination to help relieve joint pain, improve skin conditions, and protect against chronic inflammation.
  4. Promote mentaland physical well-being. Cordyceps is often lauded for its potential cognitive benefits. It may support brain health, memory, and focus. Combined with matcha's natural caffeine content, mushroom matcha could provide a balanced boost ofmental and physical energy.

What does mushroom matcha taste like?

Mushroom matcha has an earthy flavor from the organic cordyceps mushrooms, which complements the umami and vegetal notes of matcha green tea. The blend starts with the highest quality shade-grown Japanese matcha—a ceremonial grade perfected for its deep emerald color, frothy foam, and smooth, umami taste. 

Some compare it to green tea blended with roasted porcini mushrooms or matcha topped with a drizzle of truffle oil. The overall effect is a satisfying harmony between bitter and umami. Many enjoy mushroom matcha with no added sweetener, allowing the nuanced flavors to shine. But a dash of honey or maple can soften the earthiness for those new to cordyceps.

Does mushroom matcha have caffeine?

Matcha naturally contains caffeine, so our mushroom matcha blend has a significant amount of it. But don’t worry—the presence of L-theanine balances out those potentially anxious feelings of caffeine. 

The caffeine content of matcha is higher than in coffee. Matcha contains between 18.9 and 44.4 milligrams of caffeine per gram, but the addition of cordyceps does not significantly alter the caffeine content. 

Why do people drink mushroom tea?

People consume our matcha mushroom tea for many reasons:

  1. Most of our customers buy our mushroom matcha because of its health benefits. 
  2. Many replace their morning coffee with it and experience a sustained energy boost and mental clarity that last them throughout the day. The combination of matcha's caffeine with the potential adaptogenic effects of cordyceps mushrooms can provide sustained energy without the jitters associated with some other sources of caffeine.
  3. Many people love its flavor profile. We’re not going to be bashful about it: our mushroom tea has a unique flavor that appeals to those looking for something different from conventional teas and coffees.

There are so many more reasons you should order yourself a nice jar of mushroom matcha tea.

Is mushroom matcha good?

Mushroom matcha is great for your health and your taste buds. It can be a nutritious and flavorful beverage option, especially when made with quality ingredients. It also offers the potential benefits of both matcha and medicinal mushrooms, making it a convenient way to incorporate these superfoods into your routine.

Which country produces the best matcha?

Japan is renowned for producing high-quality matcha. The country's traditional cultivation and production methods contribute to its reputation as a top matcha producer.Japanese matchais known for its vibrant green color, rich umami flavor, and smooth texture. The region of Uji, near Kyoto, is particularly famous for its matcha production.

What foods are high in adaptogens?

Adaptogens are found in a variety of foods, including herbs, spices, and mushrooms. Ashwagandha, holy basil, rhodiola, eleuthero, and licorice root are some of the most popular adaptogenic foods. 

Mushrooms such as reishi, cordyceps, andlion's mane are bursting with adaptogenic properties and bioactive compounds. Adaptogens can also be found in spices such as turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon. 

These foods can be eaten as part of a well-balanced diet to support the body's stress response and promote overall wellness. So, the next time you go grocery shopping, stock up on adaptogenic foods.

Can my dog eat medicinal mushrooms?

The effects of medicinal mushrooms do not end with humans. While it’s not a good idea to give raw mushrooms to your dog, there is no reason why your pet can’t enjoy the benefits of adaptogenic fungi. Some of them might even be used as treatments. 

Theturkey tail mushroom was shown to improve the survival rate of dogs with cancer. A randomized, double-blind study found that dogs that suffered from hemangiosarcoma (a highly malignant canine cancer) and were treated withturkey tail capsules had a reduction in metastases and an increased lifespan. 

While some mushrooms are beneficial for dogs, others are toxic and can cause serious damage to your furry friend. Also, dogs may react differently to adaptogens than humans do, so start with moderate doses and regularly monitor your dog's behavior and health. 

What is the best mushroom supplement for depression?

In Chinese medicine,reishi mushroom,lion’s mane mushroom, and cordyceps are often considered top choices for addressing depression and promoting improved mood. Thesefunctional mushroomshave been traditionally used for their calming and grounding properties, and modern research suggests that supplements with these mushrooms may provide antidepressant effects by modulating neurotransmitters and reducing inflammation.

How many adaptogens are there?

While it is difficult to put an exact number on adaptogens, researchers estimate that there are over 100 adaptogenic herbs identified to date. This is a rough estimate based on the number of different plants and herbs that have been used in traditional Chinese medicine and other herbal practices around the world. 

Apart from our top nine listed here, here are a few more common adaptogens:

    • Chaga mushrooms
    • Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng)
    • Maca
    • Amalaki
  • Lion’s mane mushroom
  • Reishi mushroom
  • Turmeric
  • Goji berries
  • Licorice root
  • Shilajit 
  • Astragalus root


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Tuli, H. S., Sandhu, S. S., & Sharma, A. K. (2013, February 19).Pharmacological and therapeutic potential of Cordyceps with special reference to Cordycepin. PubMed Central (PMC). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13205-013-0121-9

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Wang, L., Sun, H., Yang, M., Xu, Y., Hou, L., Yu, H., Wang, X., Zhang, Z., & Han, J. (2022, August 19).Bidirectional regulatory effects of Cordyceps on arrhythmia: Clinical evaluations and network pharmacology. PubMed Central (PMC). https://doi.org/10.3389/fphar.2022.948173

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Brown, D. C., & Reetz, J. (2012, September 5).Single Agent Polysaccharopeptide Delays Metastases and Improves Survival in Naturally Occurring Hemangiosarcoma. PubMed Central (PMC). https://doi.org/10.1155/2012/384301

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