About - HONE
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The Hone LifeStyle

We want to build health products that match our own lifestyles and philosophies. Something that works to improve our minds and bodies in the moment and over the long term rather than supply a quick, fleeting fix. Something that harnesses the power of the natural world rather than chemical fillers and sugar.

Hone /hōn/noun:

Definition: to refine or perfect over a period of time.

Here we define HONE as an acronym. Holistic Optimization and Natural Energy.


Ari began his journey of starting a commercial beverage with his mom when we converted her grow into an energy THC/CBD kombucha. Coming from a freestyle skiing background, Ari always knew that there was a more natural energy drink option to the all to often consumed Red Bull.


While attending the University of Washington, Chris felt that he was over stimulated and wanted to wean himself off of his prescription ADHD medications. Coffee, energy drinks and pre-workout left him feeling wired, anxious, or completely depleted. So, he started researching.

We strive to provide our customers with the most effective, attractive, and empowering natural health solutions

We strive to provide our customers

This is the qualifying statement that announces our dedication and to whom we are dedicating this promise. "Customers" is a more apt term than "community" or "society" because our product will not have benefits to people simply by association or proximity, only direct consumption. 


Built with intelligence from research and development with the assistance of professionals to have a real perceivable impact 


Marketable, attractive, delicious products that can seamlessly integrate into the customers life rather than being choked down as part of an unenjoyable routine 


A product's effectiveness and attractiveness only carries impact if it is designed with a purpose. This word ties the two together and gives them teeth. Giving our customers power over their own well-being is a sense of empowerment. The origin story of Hone's original blend is a story of empowerment through freedom gained from dependency to pharmaceuticals. This is the key feeling that Hone should seek to deliver to its consumers. Coffee, energy drinks, and adderall are all effective products. Soda,
sugary snacks, and Starbucks pumpkin spice lattes are attractive. To combine the two and add a focused empowerment is how we will
differentiate ourselves from our competitors and make a real impact on our community. 

Natural health solutions

This communicates that we are using ingredients derived directly from the earth or extracted to a pure form with the intention of solving a physiological or neurological pain point. 
